4 Reasons Why Soccer Players Fake Injuries

4 Reason Why Soccer Players Fake Injuries

Some of the best soccer players are notorious for their excellent pretense skills and the knack to fake injuries to manipulate the game’s outcome. Though soccer is absolutely incredible in many respects, its simplicity makes it almost as good as it gets. I don’t really care which team plays as long as the game is good. One thing, though,

Who Earns More: Soccer Players Or Basketballers? 2024

Who Earns More: Soccer Players Or Basketballers?

The truth is that on average, professional basketballers tend to earn more than professional soccer players. The average NBA player’s salary is around $7 million per year, while the average salary for a soccer player is around $100,000. However, it’s important to know that soccer’s popularity is on the rise, especially in countries like the