What Is A Wall Pass In Soccer ? Detailed Explanation

What Is A Wall Pass In Soccer ? Detailed Explanation

The wall pass often referred to as the 1-2 pass, is one of the most popular styles of pass soccer player use. The wall pass can help outwit an opposing player in front of you with little effort because it is relatively straightforward yet incredibly effective if used at the proper time.

The wall pass is one of the simplest ways to beat opponents and may be used anywhere on the field. One-two gives & go, and, of course, wall pass are some of its other names. It may be the oldest trick in soccer history, yet it still works practically well.

What is a wall pass in soccer?

The basic idea behind this pass is when player A passes the ball to their teammate, player B, and sprint around the defender; then player B returns the ball to player A.  It is a perfect move when a defender is closely behind you and you want to take advantage of the space behind them. Player A moves forward on the field toward the opposing goal after the defender has been taken out.

This specific pass plays the outplay of the defender just like a dribble would, by placing the ball in the space behind them, which is why it is so effective.

One of the first techniques coaches teach their young players is the wall pass. This exercise improves teamwork, safe than dribbling, and also engages the player’s creativeness.

Although it is an attacking move meant to disrupt the opposing side, however, it can be used in any situation. Leaving the defense, moving across the middle of the field, or into the opponent’s box. Even in a penalty kick, it has been used incredibly well.

The player handling the ball needs a teammate providing support diagonally in front of them in order to execute a wall pass; the player providing support serves as a wall as they often return the ball right from where they stand.

Speed is one of the key elements of a wall pass. Both the passer and the receiver must move quickly, firmness and a reasonable acceleration are necessary for the first pass. Then, the run to get past the opponent must also be quick. Calculating where the pass should go is the responsibility of the person returning the ball.

Running behind the opponent rather than in front of them is the key to getting past them. The opposition can easily follow the play if the run is made in front of them since it gives them a point of reference.

If you move slowly, the opponent is more likely to read your movements and pursue either the ball or the person making the pass while running.

Before the pass, the defender must be close to the player who has the ball. The chances of losing the ball increase if the defender is far because they will have plenty of time to read and respond to the wall pass.

However, avoid getting too close; if the opponent gets too close, they may be able to intercept the ball, ending the play before it even starts.

Even if they know they can’t stop the wall pass, the defender may sometimes attempt to intercept and impede the approach of the player looking for the return pass. The support player’s responsibility is to stall the pass or perhaps decide not to pass the ball.

Dribbling can also be done with the wall pass. Player A would run with the ball while faking to pass the ball to player B.

In order to complete the play, the player providing support has several options. They can hold the ball and delay the pass, fake the return pass, or even help a third player who lost their mark as a result of the one-two movement.

What Is A Wall Pass In Soccer ? Detailed Explanation

Why is it called a wall pass?

The term “wall pass” refers to the act of using a friend (teammate) as a wall. What would happen if you kick a ball against a wall? Of course, the ball would bounce off the wall and bounce in the opposite direction from where it came.

In soccer, a wall pass is the same, except that you play it to a teammate who is facing you rather than knocking it against a wall. However, the same thing will occur, and the ball would come back in the direction it was passed to the wall (teammate).

The wall can be substituted for a teammate, and you can make them pass the ball back to you in the direction you’re heading in a soccer game, where you don’t have the luxury of kicking the ball into a wall and getting it back. A wall pass is used to play out opponents and exploit space farther up the field while also maintaining possession for the starting.

Types of wall ball pass in soccer

A wall pass is practically the same thing, the second player serves as a wall, bouncing (passing) the ball to the first player. Any area of the field can be used to move the (1-2 pass) either vertically or horizontally.

The second player could be standing still or moving, and the play (1-2 passes) can be repeated two, or even more times. It would depend on the quality and skill of the players as well as how effectively the opponents matched up.

Depending on the players’ creative skills and inventiveness, there are various types of wall passes. A 1-2 pass can result in a cross into the penalty area, a goal-bound shot, the third pass to an unmarked teammate, and so on.

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  • Short-pass-long pass

Similar to the standard wall pass play, this version uses two short passes between the first and second players. However, after the first two passes are finished, a third player is given a first-touch long ball.

  • 1- 2 delay pass to finish

The support player in this movement performs the wall pass by delaying the second pass a little bit and delivering the ball inside the box ready to strike. The initial pass in this style eliminates the first defender, and the second, the delayed pass, kills the final defensive line.

  • Double 1- 2 pass, then shoot

There are three players participating in this wall pass version. Player B and C exchange roles as the support player and player A initiates the movement and shoot to the goal.  Initially, player A passes the ball to player B, who instead of passing it back to player A, passes it to player C, the third player. Player C now switches to the supporting role and hands the ball to Player A, who is getting ready to shoot into the box.

  • Wall pass & Third-man run

The first man in this play passes the ball to a third man who is sprinting through the pass wall opening, after receiving it from the support player. Here is a stunning instance of this third-man run,

Things to consider before making a wall pass

  • Early pass

The wall is your teammate, so keep your head up and make sure they are prepared to receive the incoming pass. You’ll know they’re ready if they’re hanging low and covering who is marking them. Make eye contact with them and then pass the ball to the foot that is close to you (furthest from the opponent )  You don’t want their defender to intercept the pass in front of your waiting teammate and counter you the opposite way.

  • Taking up a Teammate’s Space

In order to avoid crowding your teammate after the initial pass, try to cut to the left or right first. Your aim is to open up space, not close it down, so give your teammate space to play and avoid crowding the space and making the defenders’ task easy.

  • Passing High

Delivering a pass to a teammate’s knee, thigh, or the ball bouncing all over the place will only make their job harder and undermine your teammates’ chances of making that wall pass back to you or another player successfully.

  • Slow incoming Pass

Pass the ball effectively when it’s time to do so! An efficient wall pass won’t work if the ball is slow enough for a snail outrun. Hit the ball hard enough with some real pace and then find the space to receive the incoming ball.

  • Standing still

Passing while standing defeats the purpose of a wall pass. Standing won’t help you in this situation because the whole point is to find space without the ball in order to subsequently receive the ball again. Pass and move, 1-2 !

Things to keep in mind while trying a wall pass

  • Find any available Space

The wall pass is only effective if you find a space where the defender is not after passing it into the target. Make sure you know the place you want to run into even before you make the initial pass because the space may be to your left, right, in front of you, or even behind you.

  • Pass and move simultaneously

When you pass and even just before you try to step into the pass, your next step should be moving forward, which will allow you to start running as you proceed to receive the lay off pass. Standing still as you pass will lose you valuable seconds in terms of running past the opposing marking you

  • Hold back and seal the defender 

Make sure to make early contact if a defender is on your back if you are the player receiving the pass. As the ball approaches you, take a good, solid positioning and move to lay off the ball in the direction your teammate is moving. To make the opposition’s next movement into a defensive position that much more difficult, step back into the defender after you release the pass.

  • Forward with one touch

After getting the ball from your teammate, take your next touch one time and out in front of you. The goal of a wall pass is to outrun the defender who is trying to protect the ball, and if you wait too long to react after receiving the pass, the defender will reposition himself, and disposses you of the ball. Take that one touch quickly and out in front of you so the only thing the defender will see your back.

What positions can use the wall pass ?

Any player is free to initiate it if the situation and timing are favorable. The majority of the time, players who uses the ball often are midfielders connecting with strikers. The wall aspect of the pass is typically done by the strikers, who then return the ball to a midfielder, run in and recieve the ball back to latch into the net.

Regardless of your level, this kind of pass is exploited to execute successful attacks and take possession.

Can a goalkeeper and defender do wall pass ?

There is no such thing as CAN’T DO or NEVER in the beautiful game (soccer), but it is unlikely for a goalkeeper to make a wall pass (1-2 pass) to a defender or a defender to a goalie, than it is for any other position on the field.

This is due to a single, understandable reason: the threat ” versus “ benefit of those players attempting such a pass in that particular area of the pitch. A standard pass from point A to point B carries a fair level of chance of being missed by the defender or goalie; now attempting a wall pass in that zone will cause further trouble due to the lack of defensive structure and proximity to the goalpost.



Final thought

The fundamental idea behind a 1-2 pass also known as wall-pass is how to effectively communicate with teammates and move to an open space. The finest movement is to beat opponents simultaneously and in a simple manner. The best attacking play technique and ball movement method is therefore the 1-2 pass.

Before passing and running, draw out the opponent in by acting as though you’re going to play the ball in a different direction.

  • Start running before you play the ball to give yourself an advantage of a half step over the opposition.
  • Hit the ball quickly so the one-two can return it to you as soon as possible.
  • Instead of using words to express your desire for the 1-2, let your teammate know that you want it with a run, as this will influence the choice they make.
  • Push the ball forward with your first touch after receiving the pass to take advantage of additional space.




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